Meet Satiama Publishing’s Award-winning authors and artists and learn more about what makes them so special.
Dr. Steven Farmer is a best-selling author, licensed psychotherapist, shamanic healer, somatic therapist, ordained minister, and former college professor. His extensive experience in the fields of psychotherapy and shamanic therapy allows him to provide his clients with a comprehensive and highly individualized counseling experience. Dr. Farmer’s unique approach was created over the course of many years of intensive study and practice. His status as a spiritual leader and psychospiritual healer is the result of his in-depth studies of spiritual transformation, trauma recovery, shamanism, hypnotherapy, breathwork, and energy psychology. Dr. Farmer’s practices are grounded in many years of collegiate studies, culminating in the form of three degrees, including a B.A. in psychology from University of California, an M.A. in counseling psychology from Chapman University, and a Ph.D. from Madison University. Dr. Steven Farmer is also a licensed psychotherapist, an ordained minister in the Circle of Sacred Earth Church, and shamanic practitioner. Dr. Farmer has a copious amount of best-selling published works, including Satiama-published Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, and Children’s Spirit Animal Stories CD Volumes I & II. Learn more about Dr. Steven Farmer’s extensive list of services, workshops and other events at drstevenfarmer.com

Katherine Skaggs is a visionary artist, intuitive, author, teacher, spiritual counselor, shamanic practitioner, entrepreneur and painter of souls. She is inspired to bring beauty, love, soul healing and a vision of inspiration to others through visionary art; empowering classes and workshops including intuitive painting classes, Artist Shaman Healer Sage courses, Journeying with the Goddess workshops; monthly New Moon Goddess Wisdom Circles and Full Moon Shamanic Healer Circles; in addition Katherine offers intuitive guidance and healing services including soul portraits (a process unique to Katherine and her intuitive guidance), intuitive readings and soul guidance sessions, shamanic healing sessions and spiritual coaching. Life’s experiences tell her that each breath is sacred, to live fully, to choose love in every moment, to aim for happiness and joy no matter what, and to see the divine within all beings.

Karen Stuth is the co-founder and current owner of Satiama, LLC, which includes Satiama Publishing and Satiama Writers Resource. Satiama was one of the earliest fully online retail companies in the Mind*Body*Spirit industry, with multiple award-winning products that she participated in producing. Today, Satiama continues to expand and prosper as both a retail and wholesale vendor of Satiama’s own publications and certain others Satiama also represents. Karen is both an author, musician, and entrepreneur with an expansive professional background. She is also a licensed attorney and book and publishing coach. She participated with colleagues Julie Loar and Sue Lion in building a board game based on the elements present in Joseph Campbell’s work regarding The Hero’s Journey, called Quintangled: A Game of Strategy, Chance & Destiny. and also wrote the booklet for The Wisdom of Tula cards. In 2021 she published her first volume of prose poetry, A Speckled Stone. She has also served as the president of The Coalition of Visionary Resources, the trade association for the Miond*Body*Spirit industry from December 2017 to present.
Eva Black Tail Swan is a Cherokee medicine elder, shaman, spiritual teacher and profoundly gifted intuitive. As a young child, Eva was called to work as a voice for Creator. Although her faith in and devotion to Creator had always been forefront and strong, in the early 1980s she experienced a very personal, difficult transformation and has since walked a continuous path of spiritual growth and enlightenment that includes sharing her spiritual journey with others. Satiama has published Eva’s wonderful meditation journey CD, Come Walk with Me: Four Journeys to Your Inner Self. Learn more about Eva and enjoy her amazing body of work at www.blacktailswan.net.
Evelyn Mulders owns and operates Holistic Tapestries Natural Care Center since 1996. The focus of the healing modalities are reflexology and energy kinesiology, and vibrational remedies. While working on clients in the clinic, Evelyn discovered that clients reached their goals faster and easier if they implemented vibrational remedies such as flower essences, gemstones or positive affirmations into their daily routine. Evelyn became the alchemist of Sound Essence vibrational remedies in 1999 using sound, herbs, and various other vibrations. She offers these to her client as homework for the vibrational shift that occurs in the therapy session. Evelyn created the Kinesiology College of Canada first starting with the 4-unit Touch for Health classes and, as the students wanted more information, she brought the intensive 60-unit Professional Kinesiology practice to Canada. As an active Energy Kinesiologist extremely involved in the international community of Professional Energy Kinesiologists, and with her passion for educating others Evelyn was inspired to write two published books, The Essence of Sound and Western Herbs for Eastern Meridians and Five Element Theory. She is also the author and developer of Whispering Herbs Healing Cards.
Catherine Landry spent her formative years in a small Canadian town perched on the magnetic granite of the Canadian Shield. Her summers were spent on the Great Lakes, hiking, biking and swimming in the rivers and forests of the mystical northern landscape, which cemented a deep spiritual connection to our natural environment. At the age of 50 she left her corporate career to embark on a journey to rediscover the wonder and magic inspired by those rock and tree filled landscapes of her youth. Her studies have included the ancient science of Ayurveda, blood and genetic typing, to astrology, numerology, starseeds, crystals, sacred geometry and more. During this time, she qualified as a Kundalini yoga instructor, Sat Nam Rasayan, and Crystal Shamanic practitioner, in addition to numerous single seminars, courses and meditation retreats. During these years she uncovered her magical connection to the Earth’s elements and frequencies, her psychic communication with dimensions beyond ours, and her intuitive “clairs,” of which clair-cognizance is the most finely tuned. All of this brought her to a visceral understanding of Soul and a clear, abiding attunement to her own Soul. Catherine maintains a private practice to guide others to the liberation of their own powerful Soul Light, through her uniquely-blended use of light, sound, and crystal frequencies, and shamanic techniques. She lives in Canada with her husband and seven children. She spends as much time as she can on the road, reveling in the inspiring landscapes of the world. An award-winning author, her works include The Way of the Simple Soul, The Way of the Lightkeeper, The Way of the Grace-Filled Heart, and a prompt journal called The Way of the Inner Path.
Susan Andra Lion is a Colorado-based artist and award-winning graphic designer and author of How the Trees Got Their Voices, How the Trees Got Their Voices Coloring Book, and Quintangled: A Game of Strategy, Chance & Destiny. As a graphic designer dedicated to conscious and heart-based living, Susan Andra Lion firmly believes that art is a great educational tool for bringing forward our connection to the Earth and its many creatures. She took her very first art class in college. It lit a fire within her and she changed her major and never looked back. Sue now operates her own graphic design and illustration business next to the mountains in Colorado, a place that has been a constant inspiration for the stories that are told by the animals and the wind.
Julie Loar is the multiple award-winning author of six books, dozens of articles, and a popular blog. Her books have been translated into several languages. She has studied and taught astrology, tarot, mythology, and symbolism for more than forty years. She has traveled to sacred sites around the world, researching the material for her books and teachings, and leads sacred journeys to Egypt. She was a featured contributor on John Edward’s web site InfiniteQuest.com where she had her own internet TV show. Julie was co-creator of the board game Quintangled, which has won three awards. Her books include Goddesses for Every Day: Exploring the Wisdom & Power of the Divine Feminine Around the World, which has won six national awards; Ancient Sky Watchers & Mythic Themes, As Above, So Below: Sun, Moon & Star; Messengers; The Hidden Power of Everyday Things, and Tarot & Dream Interpretation. She is co-author with her husband Ted Denmark, PhD of the 5-Star series of books that chronicle their extraordinary story and research into the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
Dianna Cates Dunn has lived for many years in southern Colorado. She is predominantly a painter who utilizes oil, acrylic, and mixed media. Primarily known in the past for her abstract paintings, Dunn’s discovery of her ‘artist muse’ in 2014 led her not only to a new style of painting but to the writing and illustration of a book about this life-changing period in her life. She is the recipient of TOSCA Magazine’s 2015 Colorado Artist of the Year and the Founders Award from the Colorado Watermedia Society. Her works have also been featured in “The Art of Layering: Making Connections,” “American Art Collector, Book 2,” “Art Buzz 2008,” and Luxe Magazine 2011. She is the award-winning author of The Truths of Tula and co-creator/artist of The Wisdom of Tula: A 44-Card Deck and Booklet. Learn more about Dianna at www.diannacatesdunn.com.
Trina Brunk: Trina’s music has been described by author and lecturer Marianne Williamson as having an etheric power and by others as inspirational, and in the words of one fan, “It’s not just music, it’s magic. It pushes me to be more, to live more, to love more, to feel more, to reach higher.” She writes songs that speak to the challenges as well as the ecstatic states that are part of being a spiritual being having a physical experience. A recent transplant to the Pacific Northwest, Trina grew up singing with her seven sisters in rural Missouri. She began writing songs in 2008 and began performing across the nation in 2010. In 2012 her collaboration Running Free with film composer Charlie Armour was nominated for an Indie Music Channel Best Female Soundtrack award, and she opened for Marianne Williamson in St Louis, Mo. She took a break from public performance in 2013 after releasing Songs of the Beloved, her eighth self-produced album, and began facilitating toning circle and music meditation groups. Her beautiful CD, Safe Passage, is published by Satiama.
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